Tuesday 23 June 2009

Self Discovery

I kindly request that you permit me a space in your widely read column in other to cut across some useful piece of information to my beloved and ardent readers on the need for self discovery before entering into relationship that will lead to Marriage.
The first key to discovery who you are is to "know your source". Everything produces after his kind. The real you came from God, He is your source. God made a product like himself; just the same way a man produces children.Every man is created different from the other and each man is born with certain characteristics such as peculiar DNA code, thumb prints etc.What god says about you is the ultimate. You need to learn to appreciate yourself. The level of faith and confidence you have concerning how God sees you are reflected in how you see yourself. as a matter of fact, never let any one put you down. You are highly valued. You are Alive Alive is an acronym for Accepted, Loved, Inspired,Valued, God's Expression.
Say this aloud to yourself right now
A - I am Accepted.
L - I am Loved
I - I am Inspired
V- I am Highly Valued
E - I am God's Expression.
Your design is peculiar. If you understand and accept your true identity. it gives you self - confidence that you are not a mistake. The fact that you are different is what singles you out and makes you important in this life. If your nose is broad,be proud of it, if you are not too tall, there is a reason for it. Don't allow anyone intimidate you. If someone doesn't like u , it doesn't matter; you are just not designed for that person. That person doesn't know your worth.Don't worry, soon enough, the person that knows your worth will come your way.One major clue to your purpose is your potential.

Potential is the "you" yet to be exposed, the tresure in you waiting to be revealed. It's who you can be but have not become. What you can see but have not seen. Nothing cures insecurity like the discovery of your potential. The discovery of your potential,
Makes you Unique
Gives you Confidence
Gives you security
Kills the trap of comparison.
They are the equipment; tool and resource God gave you to fulfill your purpose.
How to discover your Purpose
Mine the history of your Talents
Identify things thta come naturally and enjoy doing
Things that you do without stress
Identify your passions
Purpose; is yor reason for your existence. It is the reason why God created you. Purpose is the key to life. without purpose, life has no meaning. Purpose is the only source of personal and corporate fulfillment. Life without purpose is like sitting on a rocking chair making motion without progress. There are five elements to consider into discovering your purpose.
Need; It could be a personal problem which you were able to solve and now are motivated to help others which are going through the same problem.
Conscience/ Intuition; What your intincts tells you. There is an inner voice in everyone that directs him/her. It may be strong or weak but it is there and it points to your purpose.
Passion; your passion is that thing that naturally energises, motivates, excites and inspires you towards your purpose.
Abilities/ Talents; Your purpose comes with talents and ablities that will enable you fulfill it.
Grace; What you do effortlessly. your purpose should be something you can do without much effort. You may struggle in other cases, but when it comes to that thing(your purpose), you do it with much ease.
It is only after you have discovered your purpose that you can choose a life partner.

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